Masonic Award, Certificate, and Record

The Award, Certificate, and Record (ACR) allowes you to print awards and certificates, Masonic records, and degree work boilers for EA, FC, MM, AASR, and YR. The awards and certificates will show the Brothers in your Lodge how much they are appreciated. This product can be the start of your “Awards Night.”
With this product, you can also print your own Records. All you have to do is add the name, dates, and lodge seal. If you currently purchase your Lodge records and type them, this will save you time and money. In addition, we also ship the degree work boilers. When a Brother is raised, an entire “package” with the Masonic Record. If you do not present a Masonic Bible, our product is the next best thing.
- Save time and by using our nice templates
- Perfect for the Masonic officer, or "Awards Night" coordinator
- Get excited again, about Masonic research
- Our Premium Graphics will provide you quality Masonic graphics People appreciate being recognized
- Show your candidates that your Lodge is organized
Detailed description of Award, Certificate, and Record features:
Templates and Boilers
28 templates in four categories (there are a total of 109 templates. Each template ships with at least four print choices black, blue, red, and purple):
- Masonic
- General
- Fun
- Masonic Record (Traditional Blue and Black colors only)
8 boilers in five categories:
- Appreciation
- Excellence
- Training
- Outstanding Service
- Meritorious Achievement
5 Degree work boilers in three categories:
- EA, FC, and MM
- York Rite Record
- AASR Record
3rd party software
- Adobe Acrobat Reader to read your eBooks
- to work with graphics
Computer Requirements
- Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
- Microsoft Office Word or Word Perfect or ( is free)
- CD or DVD drive to install the software
- Computer monitor with at least 256 colors and at least 800 x 600 resolution
- At least 75 MB of free hard drive space