Assistant Secretary Known Issues
Version 5.0
Known issues:
Issue: If installed on a 64-bit computer, the letters and reports will not function properly.
Fix: We will fix this by including a separate install for 64-bit. If you have already purchased, you may download and install the needed file two ways:
1. To install the correct file, please place the Assistant Secretary CD-ROM into your computer and go to this directory: D:\AutoPlay\Docs\installer\AS 5 Folder Setup\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0 (if “D:” is your CD-ROM drive). Click on CRRuntime_32bit_13_0_4.msi and install.
2. You can download CRRuntime_32bit_13_0_4.msi here: Download (71.8 MB download)
1. Issue: Adding a "visitor" contact will include Lodge information if exported.
Fix: We need to exclude this information on exports. Won't hinder users ability to import.
2. Issue: Date of birth field does not clear when you click on new member.
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
1. Issue: Under "Choice Master", "Fund Sources", you cannot add a fund source before "Member Dues" or Member Dues will not function correctly.
Fix: You can add Fund Sources that start with a letter M to Z. For example, you can a fund source named "Members Assessment" or even "Special Assessment". You cannot name a fund source "Lodge Assessment".
2. Issue: Fixed Dues. Error "At most one record can be returned by this subquery."
Fix: Click okay and update is fine. Will provide a fix during the next update.
3. Issue: Members dues: Ghosting of previous entry if current picked entry has "zero" dues owned.
Fix: Will not impact dues. Will provide a fix during the next update.
4. Issue: Can't delete or edit "sources of funds".
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
1. Issue: Can't import pictures (jpeg, gif) into letters.
Fix: Can setup pictures as headers in the letter. Works very well, but extra work on the users end.
2. Issue: Need to insert more merge fields into the letters.
Fix: Will provide more fields during the next update.
3. Issue: Can't pick lodge.
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
4. Issue: Letters. Members with no dues will have a blank space for the current dues and dues balance import fields.
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update. It should show "0.00".
Inventory: None.
1. Issue: No separation of lodges.
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
Utilities: None.
Setup: None.
1. Issue: Typo under Setup. Choice Register should be "Choice Master".
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
2. Issue: Move the setup menus in order of recommended setup.
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
1. Issue: Typo when first open the program. Secretary should be Secretary.
Fix: Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
2. Issue: Data Migrator. Data is spelled "Date". Transfer is spelled "Transer".
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.
3. Going to "File" and "Exit" does nothing.
Fix: Will remove "Exit" from program during next update.
4. Issue: Activation (by internet) shows "JTM Services" as the company.
Fix: Will change to Barcis LLC during the next update.
5. Issue: Export: PZip has a " ' " in the export zip code.
Fix: Will provide a fix during the next update.